Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 2

We started our day very early--eating our breakfast in Sheridan at 6 a.m.  We finished just as the sun came up. It was a great day for our planned activity of driving over the Beartooth highway.  Every word meaning  magnificent,   spectacular, breathtaking, awe-inspiring would be appropriate to describe the mountain pass and the scenery.  The summit topped off at 10,300 + feet.  The shading on the snow, the trees, the grass, and the mountains from the sun seemed to change the scene every turn.  Very sharp switchbacks got even sharper and more frequent as we climbed to the top.  I was worried about our descent  but we were coming down into Yellowstone National Park so we only needed to go to 7,000 feet.

The day was warm and sunny until the late day shower that happens almost every day around 4 p.m. and lasts about 10 minutes.  We saw buffalo and elk today.  The Elk are mean because they are rutting.  Huge signs warn visitors to stay out of the way.  Someone said that the males were attacking
cars on Monday night trying to get to a female.  Not today we are happy to report.

We entered our first casino today in a small town near the entrance to the Beartooth highway.  We were actually searching for restrooms but found nothing until Bridger, population 260.  Previous towns with populations of 16, 95 and 130 did not have any public facilities or much else for that matter.  By playing a machine, we got a free beverage.  The bathrooms were very quaint.  Imagine my surprise to discover the ladies room door did not close but the toilet stall had a curtain that could be pulled for privacy.  Since we travelled almost 100 miles searching for a bathroom, it worked just fine.  When in the West do as the cowgirls do.

We had a great steak dinner at the Montana Rib and Chop House.

Hopefully, photos will upload and you can see some of what we did today.

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